Vara in Sicilia



In sfarsit, luna august a venit! De ce o asteptam asa nerabdatoare?..pentru ca in aceasta luna mi-am planificat vacanta in Sicilia.

Sicilia, o minunata insula din Italia, despre care toata lumea, cu siguranta, a auzit la un moment dat, fie ca a fost vorba de filme, in care au fost dezbatute nenumarate subiecte legate de mafia siciliana, gastronomie deosebita, peisaje, care iti dau o stare de bine, stradute mici si cladiri foarte vechi, incarcate de istorie.

Multe au fost motivele pentru care mi-am droit sa descopar o particia din istoria acestei insule si sa o vad cu ochii mei. Asa ca am gasit o oferta la biletele de avion foarte buna, 2 bilete la pret de unul, mi-am luat ghiozdanul in spate, si am pornit la drum cu prietenii mei.

Am stat 4 nopti in Catania si o noapte in Taormina. Cazarea a fost foarte ok, pana la urma, asta pentru ca desi aveam platite prin booking camerele, ne-au fost anulate fix in ziua cand am ajuns acolo si a trebuit sa cautam alte cazari si alti bani cheltuiti, pe care cei de la booking ne-au asigurat ca ii vom primi inapoi. Pana la aceasta ora, inca nu i-am primit J

Asa ca daca va ganditi sa plecati ca si noi, pe cont propriu, trebuie sa aveti la voi niste bani in plus si un plan de rezerva pe unde v-ati putea caza in cazul in care apare ceva nepravzut.

Catania este al doilea oras ca marime din Sicilia, fiind situat pe coasta de est si la sud de Etna, un vulcan activ.

Ce am facut in Catania? Am vizitat orasul, am facut plaja, m-am delectat cu specialitati locale, m-am plimbat kilometrii intregi pe jos, descoperind stradute ascunse si inguste, pietele agglomerate, terasele pline de oameni, cladiri impresionante, pline de istorie, alegand de fiecare data sa merg in loc sa iau autobuzul; Singura data cand am apelat la un mijloc de transport, a fost cand am luat trenul pentru a merge in Taormina. Biletul de tren, doar pentru dus, costa apx. 5 euro. Drumul pana la Taormina dureaza 1h, si in tren ai priza mult asteptata, pentru a-ti incarca telefonul, wifi si aer conditionat. Intr-un cuvant, tot ce vrei, ca sa stai linistit 1h.

Plaja in Catania am facut la Lido Azzurro. Accesul pe plaja se plateste, 4 euro/ persoana intrarea. Adaugati alti 4 euro pentru fiecare, daca vreti si sezlong, si umbrela. Fara umbrela, mori, deci este mega necesara. Plaja este cu nisip fin, foarte curata si intrarea in apa lina.

Trebuie neaparat sa va povestesc ce am mancat bun in Catania si ce trebuie neaparat sa incercati daca ajungeti acolo. Peste tot unde am mancat, mancarea a fost foarte buna, insa cel mai mult mi-au placut 3 localuri: Pizzeria Deposito Bagagli, pentru o pizza altfel, Cafeneaua Europa, pentru cea mai buna inghetata cu fistic mancata vreodata si Cuore Fresco, pentru cel mai bun panini din Catania.

Pizzeria Deposito Bagagli este micuta, are o terasa super frumoasa, pe coltul unei stradute si meniul de pizza este dus la un alt nivel. Ce am observant la ei este ca au sorimentele de pizza impartite pe alb, rosu, in functie de sosul folosit.

Am incercat 3 feluri de pizza, una cu fructe de mare, una cu prosciutto si alune si cealalta sunca si ciuperci. Gustul este divin. Pozele de mai jos vorbesc de la sine. Recomand cu toata inima, sigur o sa gasiti o pizza pe gustul vostru aici. Personalul foarte dragut si primitor.

Cafeneaua Europa am descoperit-o din greseala si de nevoie, d-abia ajunsi in Catania, ne era super sete, si trebuia sa asteptam sa vedem ce rezolvam cu cazarea. Asa ca am stat la aceasta terasa cateva ore, timp in care am incercat ba inghetata la cornet, apoi cea la cupa, care avea prin ea toate nebuniile de fistic si biscuit. Curcubeu pe cerul gurii. Aici, ne-am mai intors si in ultima seara, sa ne mai luam o doza din inghetata aceea delicioasa.

Cuore Fresco, este localul pe care l-am descoperit cu cateva ore inainte sa plec la aeroport. Imi doream atat de tare un panini pentru micul dejun, si nu voiam doar o briosa. Eu sunt genul de om care mananca bine la micul dejun si considera aceasta masa foarte importanta.

Am avut marea surpriza sa descopar ca patroana localui era romanca. O doamna foarte draguta, care ne-a recomandat niste sandvisuri proaspete si calde super bune. Aici totul este fresh, are salate foarte mari, sandvisuri simple si unele gourmet, o nebunie de gusturi, imbinate perfect.

Desi locaul are doar 2 masute afara, mare o sa-ti fie mirarea cand o sa vezi ce mare e la interior. Wifi perfect, aer conditionat. Pentru mine, acest local a fost exact oaza de racoare si prospetime de care aveam nevoie in acea zi, cand afara erau 40 de grade. Imi pare rau ca l-am descoperit in ultima zi, pentru ca, fara niciun dubiu, mi-as fi luat micul dejun in fiecare dimineata aici.

In Taormina, restaurantul care mi-a furat inima a fost Osteria da Rita. O puteti gasi pe Via Calapitrulli, nr.3. Angajatii de aici sunt foarte veseli, cu simtul umorului, terasa este mereu plina seara, trebuie neaparat sav a faceti rezervare. Noi, in prima seara nu am gasit loc afara si am ales sa mancam inauntru. Trebuie sa va spun ca nu ne-au lasat sa intram pana nu ne-au dat dezinfectant si verificat certificatele verzi pentru covid. 

Aici, trebuie sa aveti grija ce va comandati, pentru ca au niste portii enorm de mari. Cel mai bine, luati mai multe feluri si gustati de la fiecare. Noi asa am facut. Am comandat o lasagna (trebuie sa deschid o paranteza aici sis a spun ca este CEA MAI BUNA LASAGNA pe care am mancat-o in viata mea, si eu nu sunt chiar mare fan lasagna), paste cu fructe de mare si niste rulori de vita umplute cu fistic. Am venit si a doua zi sa incercam sis a impartim platoul rustic, care cuprinde prosciutto de mai multe feluri, salam, branzaturi, masline, anghinare si alte gusturi specifice Italiei.

Mi-a placut aici, pe langa restul restaurantelor unde am mancat, faptul ca ne-au adus bruschete la inceput si la sfarsit digestiv si biscotti de migdale, din partea casei.

La ei coperto este 2 euro/persoana. Pentru cei care nu stiu, coperto este o taxa aplicata fiecarui client, care se adauga la nota de plata. Preturile destul de maricele, insa ieftine pentru Taormina. Acolo si un banal sandvis costa 6 euro, iar un aperol spritz 10 euro, mult mai scump decat in Catania.

Ca sa va faceti o idee, cea mai ieftina cazare pentru o noapte in Taormina, aproape de plaja, costa cam dublu pentru o noapte de cazare in Catania. Dar view-ul este wow. Merita sa stati macar o noapte aici.

Trebuie sa va mai spun ca pentru cei care nu sunt foarte sportivi, trebuie evitat drumul pe jos, de la plaja catre centrul orasului. Este o distanta de 1 km doar de urcat. Pentru o viata usoara, luati funicularul. Costa 3 euro si ajungeti in 5 minute sus sau jos, dupa caz.

Fiind o fire mai sportiva, mie imi place sa explorez, asa ca m-am incumetat de 2 ori sa fac acest drum pe jos. Consider ca e cea mai buna modalitate de a scapa de caloriile acumulate in exces intr-o vacanta, mai ales cand este implicata multa inghetata J

Alte localuri unde puteti gasi ceva bun de mancare in Catania sunt: Street Food Sicilia – au niste placinte tare bune si satioase, Brasserie – paste cu zucchini si creveti foarte bune, desi nu se gasesc in meniu.

De evitat Trattoria U Fucularu – scump si nu e cine stie ce, cel putin, mie nu mi-a placut, desi avea foarte multe review-uri pozitive pe tripadvisor.

In Catania am descoperit si Bacardi Breezer cu grapefruit. Este super bun. L-am gasit la un banal supermarket, la coltul strazii.

Cateva tips pentru o vacanta reusita in Sicilia, in luna august:

- neaparat, cele mai comode incaltari pe care le aveti

- cele mai comode si subtiri haine, de preferat rochite lejere

- palarie, sapca, orice de pus pe cap, pentru ca lesini cat este de cald

- aparatul de fotografiat/telefon si multa voie buna

- daca nu suportati caldura prea bine, evitati sa veniti in Sicilia in luna august, este o luna de foc

In cazul in care aveti curiozitati sau intrebari, va ajut cu placere. Trebuie doar sa intrebati.

Vacante frumoase!




Summer in Sicily


Finally, August has arrived! Why have I been waiting for it so impatiently? .. because this month I planned my vacation in Sicily.

Sicily is a wonderful island at the southern end of Italy, which everyone has certainly heard of at some point, whether it was from movies in which were debated countless topics related to the Sicilian mafia, special gastronomy, landscapes, which give you a good mood, small streets and very old buildings, full of history.

There were so many reasons why I was curious to discover a part of the history of this island and see it with my own eyes. So, I found a very good offer for plane tickets (2 tickets for the price of one), I packed my backpack, and I set off with my friends.

We stayed 4 nights in Catania and one night in Taormina. The accommodation was ok, in the end, but only after some disappointment. Even though we had paid for rooms with, they were canceled on the day we arrived, and we had to look for other accommodation - not to mention spend more money, which the staff from assured us we would get back. So far, I haven't received my refund yet J.

So, if you are thinking of travelling like us, on your own, you must have some extra money and a back-up plan for where you could stay, in case something unexpected happens.

Catania is the second largest city in Sicily, being located on the east coast and south of Mount Etna, an active volcano.

What did I do in Catania? I visited the city, went to the beach, enjoyed local gastronomic specialties, and walked for miles, discovering hidden, narrow streets, crowded squares, terraces full of people, and impressive buildings full of history - choosing every time to walk instead of taking the bus. The only time we used local transport was when we took the train to go to Taormina. The train ticket, one-way, costs approx. 5 euros. The journey to Taormina takes 1 hour, and on the train you have the long-awaited place, to charge your phone, wifi and air conditioning. In a word, everything you want, to stay calm for 1 hour.

We went to the beach in Catania at Lido Azzurro. Access to the beach is not for free, costing 4 euro / person entrance. Add another 4 euros for each if you want a sunbed and an umbrella. Without an umbrella, you’ll die, so it's mega necessary! The beach has fine sand, is very clean and the entrance to the water is smooth.

I must tell you what I ate in Catania, and what you must try if you get there. Everywhere I ate, the food was very good, but most of all I liked 3 places: Pizzeria Deposito Bagagli, for a different pizza; Europa Caffee, for the best pistachio ice cream I’ve ever eaten; and Cuore Fresco, for the best panini in Catania.

Pizzeria Deposito Bagagli is small, has a super beautiful terrace on the corner of a street, and the pizza menu is taken to another level. What I noticed about them is that they have pizza options divided into white or red, depending on the sauce used.

I tried 3 kinds of pizza, one with seafood, one with prosciutto and hazelnuts and the other ham and mushrooms. The taste is divine. The pictures below speak for themselves. I wholeheartedly recommend visiting here, as you will surely find a pizza to your taste here. Very nice and welcoming staff.

We discovered the Europa Cafe by chance and out of necessity - we had just arrived in Catania, we were super thirsty, and we had to wait to see what we could do with the accommodation. So, I stayed on this terrace for a few hours, during which time I tried ice cream in a cornet, then ice cream in a cup, which had all the madness of pistachios and biscuits. A rainbow of tastes in your mouth. We returned here on the last night to enjoy another dose of that delicious ice cream.

Cuore Fresco, is the place I discovered a few hours before I left for the airport. I wanted a breakfast panini so much, and I didn't just want a muffin. I am the kind of person who eats well at breakfast and considers this meal very important.

I was very surprised to discover that the local owner was Romanian. A very nice lady, who recommended us some super good, fresh, hot sandwiches. Here everything is fresh, comes with very large salads, simple sandwiches and some gourmet, a madness of tastes, perfectly combined.

Although the place only has 2 tables outside, you will be amazed when you see how big it is inside. Perfect wifi and air conditioning. For me, this place was exactly the oasis of coolness and freshness I needed that day, when it was 40 degrees outside. I'm sorry I discovered it on the last day, because without a doubt, I would have had my breakfast here every morning.

In Taormina, the restaurant that stole my heart was Osteria da Rita. You can find it on Via Calapitrulli, no.3. The staff here are very happy, with a sense of humor, but the terrace is always full in the evening, so don’t forget to do make a reservation. On the first night we couldn't find a place outside and we chose to eat inside. I have to tell you that they wouldn’t let us in until they had given us sanitizer and checked our green covid certificates.

Here you have to be careful what you order, because they have enormously large portions! Best of all, order several dishes and taste each one, that's what we did. I ordered a lasagna (I have to add a comment here and say it's the BEST LASAGNA I've ever eaten, and I'm not a big fan of lasagna), seafood pasta and some beef rolls stuffed with pistachios. We came the next day to try and share the rustic plate, which includes prosciutto of various kinds, salami, cheese, olives, artichokes and other tastes specific to Italy.

What I liked here, over the other restaurants where we ate, was the fact that they brought us bruschetta at the beginning of the meal, and a digestive and almond biscuits at the end, all compliments of the house.

Their “coperto” is 2 euro / person. For those who do not know, coperto is a service fee applied to each customer, which is added to the bill. The prices are quite low, but cheap for Taormina. There, a standard sandwich costs 6 euros, and an Aperol spritz 10 euros, which is much more expensive than in Catania.

To give you an idea, the cheapest accommodation for one night in Taormina, close to the beach, costs almost double that of one night accommodation in Catania. But the view is wow, so it's worth staying here for at least one night.

I must also tell you that for those who are not very athletic, you must avoid walking from the beach to the city center. It is a distance of 1km just to climb. For an easy trip, take the funicular. It costs 3 euro, and you can get up or down in 5 minutes.

Being a more sporty person, I like to explore, so I dared to walk this path twice. I think it's the best way to get rid of excess calories during a vacation, especially when a lot of ice cream is involved 

Other places where you can find something good to eat in Catania are: Street Food Sicily - they have some very good and filling pies; and Brasserie - pasta with zucchini and very good shrimp (although they are not on the menu).

Avoid Trattoria U Fucularu – it is expensive and I didn't like it, although it had a lot of positive reviews on TripAdvisor.

In Catania I also discovered Bacardi Breezer with grapefruit. It's super good. I discovered it at an ordinary supermarket, on the street corner.

Some tips for a successful holiday in Sicily, in August:

- definitely, pack the most comfortable shoes you have

- take the most comfortable and thin clothes, preferably light dresses

-  you need a hat/cap, anything to put on your head, because you faint when it's hot

- your camera / phone and good cheer

- if you can't stand the heat too well, avoid coming to Sicily in August, it's a fiery month

If you have any curiosities or questions, I will be happy to help. You just have to ask!

Beautiful holidays!



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