Turkish Kitchen – Restaurant nou in Bucuresti


Str. Barbu Văcărescu 201, București 020276




Sunt foarte fericita ca am descoperit un restaurant nou-nout in Bucuresti. Acesta si-a deschis portile acum 4 zile si am fost suficient de norocoasa sa trec zilele trecute pe langa el si sa-mi atraga atentia cat de bine poate sa arate. Spun norocoasa, pentru ca pe cat de bine arata, pe atat de buna a fost mancarea si nu am aflat prin nicio recomandare, cum fac de obicei, ci pur si simplu l-am incercat din curiozitate. Cum ne-am asezat la masa, ospatarul ne-a informat ca s-au deschis de 3 zile si cu siguranta o sa ne placa.

Mare dreptate a avut, pentru ca mancarea, pe langa faptul ca arata delicious, a fost foarte, foarte buna. Personalul este in mare majoritate turcesc, ceea ce se simte si la modul in care esti servit, si la calitatea preparatelor.

Toti ospatarii purtau masca, erau foarte prezentabili si amabili. Mancarea o poti vedea in vitrina, atat preparatele din carne, cat si salatele reci. Totul mi s-a parut imaculat, foarte curat si au un gratar cu carbuni extrem de interesant. Cred ca acesta este piesa de rezistenta, pentru ca iti atrage atentia din prima clipa in care intri in restaurant si te duce cu gandul la Turcia.

Pot spune fara nicio ezitare ca mancare turceasca asa de buna, doar in Turcia am mai mancat.


Am incercat mult cunoscuta adana kebab si o specialitate numita sarma beyti kebap, pe care o recomand din toata inima. Este foarte buna, daca va place si putin picant, o sa va cucereasca cu siguranta. Carne de vita si oaie, invelite intr-un foietaj cu branza cu sos de rosii si iaurt langa. Am apa in gura si acum cand imi amintesc cat de bun a fost.

Ca si desert, am incercat kunefe, care de asemenea a fost pe gustul meu. Va las mai jos cateva poze, pentru a vedea ceva frumos si delicios.

Cu siguranta, acesta va fi un local care va fi foarte popular in perioada urmatoare, cand tot mai multi oameni vor afla de existenta lui.

Daca sunteti fan mancare turceasca, dati o fuga pana la Promenada Mall, si afara, langa, gasiti Turkish Kitchen.

Sa-mi spuneti parerile voastre daca il incercati.


Va imbratisez,





Turkish Kitchen – New place in Bucharest

Barbu Văcărescu 201 street, Bucharest 020276


Hello My Friends,

I am very happy to tell you about a brand-new Turkish restaurant that I discovered in Bucharest. They only opened their doors 4 days ago, and I was fortunate enough to pass by it recently and felt drawn to it by the ambiance and style of the place. I say lucky, because the better it looks, generally the better the food is. As I hadn’t been recommended to the restaurant as I usually would be, I was simply trying it out of curiosity.

As we sat at the table, the waiter informed us that they had only just opened 3 days ago, and he was very confident that we would love the food. All the waiters wore masks, were very presentable and friendly. Most of the staff were Turkish, which added to the authenticity of the service and food, as well as the quality.

Our waiter did not exaggerate, because the food, besides looking delicious, was very, very good! You can see the food in the window, both meat dishes and cold salads. Everything seemed immaculate to me, very clean and they have an extremely interesting charcoal grill. I think this is the piece de resistance, because it attracts your attention from the first moment you enter the restaurant and makes you think of Turkey. I can say without any hesitation that I have only eaten such good Turkish food in Turkey.

I tried the well-known adana kebab and a specialty called beyti kebap wire, which I wholeheartedly recommend. It is very good if you like it a little spicy, it will definitely conquer you! Beef and mutton, wrapped in a puff pastry with cheese with tomato sauce and yogurt next to it. My mouth waters now that I remember how good it was. As a dessert, I tried the kunefe, which was also delicious.

Certainly, this will be a place that will become very popular, as more and more people will find out about its existence.

I share below some pictures, so you can see how beautiful and delicious it was.

If you are a fan of Turkish food, take a run to Promenada Mall, and outside, next door, you will find Turkish Kitchen.

Tell me your opinions if you try it.


Many hugs,




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