Restaurant “La Promenada” Rasnov/ "La Promenada" Rasnov Restaurant


Strada Teilor nr 88, Râșnov Romacril 505400

Anul acesta am fost pentru prima data in Zarnesti. Prietenii mei si-au droit sa inchiriem o cabana la munte, unde sa putem scapa de aglomeratie si sa ne putem bucura de aer curat si liniste.

Am ales o casa situata chiar langa un restaurant numit Cabana Plaiul Foii, unde am mancat in fiecare zi o ciorba de burta foarte buna si niste clatite delicioase. Cabana are o propietara tare draguta si amabila. Ne-a pus la dispozitie tot ce aveam nevoie. Curtea era dotata cu gratar, leagan si un foisor amenajat cu masa mare si scaune. Seara, era un deliciu sa te relaxezi la un pahar de vin, dupa o cina copioasa, impreuna cu prietenii.

In prima zi, ne-am bucurat de o plimbare prin Parcul National Piatra Craiului, care este cel mai spectaculos masiv din muntii Carpatii romanesti si apare sub forma unei creste calcaroase izolate, intinzandu-se de la Zarnesti la Podul Dambovicioarei, pe 25 de km.

A doua zi, am ales sa facem o plimbare pana la Cetatea Rasnov, care este inchisa pentru renovare, insa te poti plimba prin curtea acesteia.View-ul este absolut superb, si poti opta sa urci pe scari, sau cu funicularul. Daca ai conditie sportiva, iti recomand scarileJ

Dupa ce am vizitat cetatea, ne-am dus la Pestera Valea Cetatii (Fundata), unde intrarea este 15 lei/ persoana si astepti ora la care te programezi ca sa poti intra, impreuna cu alti turisti.

Pestera mi s-a parut destul de mica, descoperita acum aproximativ 60 ani, unde galeria principală are o lungime totală de circa 958 m. Daca iti plac pesterile, este destul de interesanta, unde poti vedea stalactite și stalagmite de diferite mărimi, printre care una de 2 m înălțime.

Dupa toata ziua pe drumuri, urcat, coborat, tot ce imi doream era sa mananc ceva foarte bun. Am ales sa mergem la restaurantul “La Promenada” din Rasnov, despre care auzisem ca are mancare buna.

Restaurantul este ampasat în parcul Promenada Sisi, vechiul loc de promenadă al Râşnovului, o zonă  liniștită cu alei, bănci, foișoare și locuri de joacă pentru copii. 

Terasa era plina de oameni, iar personalul foarte amabil. Mancarea a fost delicioasa. Am optat pentru pulpa de rata cu varza rosie si sos de portocala, iar ceilalti au ales sa manace ciolan vienez de porc, vita si papanasi. Totul arata extrem de bine, dupa cum puteti vedea si in pozele de mai jos. Nota de plata a venit undeva la 200 lei pentru 3 persoane, ceea ce nu mi s-a parut deloc mult, luand in considerare ca au fost si bauturile incluse.

Cu siguranta, acest restaurant este pe lista mea de recomandari pentru atunci cand veti ajunge la munte si vreti sa mergeti la sigur ca este mancarea buna.

Cu toate ca nu sunt eu o mare iubitoare de munte, acel weekend a fost foarte frumos.

Cu siguranta, avem o tara extrem de frumoasa, pe care merita sa o vizitam.

Voi pe unde va mai plimbati si ce alte restautante imi puteti recomanda in zona montana?

Vacante frumoase!



88 Teilor Street, Râșnov Romacril 505400


This year I visited the town of Zarnesti for the first time, as my friends and I decided to rent a cottage in the mountains, where we could escape the crowds and enjoy the fresh air and the serenity of the countryside.

I chose a house located right next to a restaurant called Cabana Plaiul Foii, where every day I ate an excellent belly soup and delicious pancakes. The cottage has a genuinely nice, kind owner and she provided us with everything we needed. The courtyard was equipped with a barbecue, swing and a pavilion with a large table and chairs. In the evening it was a delight to relax with a glass of wine, after a good dinner with friends.

On the first day we enjoyed a walk through the Piatra Craiului National Park, which is the most spectacular massif in the Romanian Carpathian Mountains, and appears in the form of an isolated limestone ridge, stretching for 25km from Zarnesti to Dambovicioarei Bridge.

The next day we chose to take a walk to the Rasnov Fortress, which is unfortunately closed for renovation, but you can walk through its courtyard. The view is absolutely beautiful, and you can choose to climb the stairs, or go by funicular. I recommend the stairs, if you are in good shape.

After visiting the fortress, we went to Valea Cetatii Cave (Fundata), where the cost of admission was15 lei/ person and there is a scheduled waiting time so you are grouped together along with other tourists.

I found the cave, discovered about 60 years ago, quite small, where the main gallery has a total length of about 958 m. If you like caves, it is quite interesting, where you can see stalactites and stalagmites of different sizes, including one that is 2m in height.

After spending the whole day walking up and down the mountain, I built up a varacious appetite. We chose to dine at a restaurant in Rasnov, called "La Promenada", about which I had heard good things.

The restaurant is located in the park Promenada Sisi, the old promenade of Râşnov, which is a quiet area with alleys, benches, gazebos and playgrounds for children.

The terrace was full of people and the staff were very friendly. The food was delicious! I opted for duck meat with red cabbage and orange sauce, and the others chose to eat Viennese pork chop, beef and papanasi. Everything looks extremely good, as you can see in the pictures below. The bill came to approximately 200 lei for 3 people, which seemed quite inexpensive, considering that the drinks were included in that price.

This restaurant is definitely on my list of recommendations for when you get to the mountains, and you can be assured of having great food.

Although I'm not a big mountain lover, the weekend was very nice.

We certainly have an extremely beautiful country, which is well worth exploring.

Where else do you walk and what other restaurants can you recommend in the mountain area?

Beautiful holidays!



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